How Did We Get Here
We were looking for a new business adventure that would utilize a modest property and provide a product that we could grow and take pride in.
The Katahdin Breed
Katahdins are hardy, adaptable, low maintenance sheep that produce a superior young lamb crop, with lean meat carcasses. They do not produce a fleece, therefore do not require shearing. They are medium sized and efficient, bred for utility and for production in a variety of management systems. Ewes have an exceptional mothering ability and lamb easily, ideal for pasture lambing.
There is more to lamb than just chops. Our meat is mild, tender, healthy for you and a good source protein.
Our Journey
Two friends who have spent their lives building, promoting, developing and running small businesses have decided to team up. Using, the resources and knowledge they’ve built over the years. Our love of agriculture and animals allows us to provide a product that we can be proud of for years to come. We look forward to sharing with our neighbors, friends, and the new friends we will meet along the way.
Day to Day Operations
Each morning begins with black coffee, a morning meeting, to do lists and priorities.
It quickly turns to feeding and overall herd health check. During our feeding routine, morning and night, we spend time with the herd to ensure we have a low stress and calm flock.
We want “Ewes To Be Happy”
Border Control
Our two Border Collies, Midge and Klaz, who are mother and daughter, bring extra help to the field when the rest of the clan is off to school or work.